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BEACON focuses on vision for region

SALISBURY, MD ---Nearly 100 community leaders gathered at a "visioning" conference hosted by Salisbury University and the University's Business, Economic and Community Outreach Network (BEACON) in October. Called "Creating a Community Vision for the Lower Eastern Shore," the conference was a response to the many challenges and opportunities facing the region including State and local elections, an aging population, the recently-created regional Tri-County Council and a new regional transportation network.

Topics of concern included education, economic well-being, infrastructure, workforce development and the environment and an effort to understand trends and events affecting our regional community.

BEACON Director Memo Diriker and Managing Director Ruth Baker challenged attendees to envision and voice what they felt that the community should look and feel like in the next 10-15 years. "This is our opportunity to 'think big' about our collective future. The visioning process should be grounded in current reality, but should also free us to dream," said Diriker.

The conference was sponsored by the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, the Tri-County Council of the Lower Shore of Maryland, the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce, the Wicomico Partnership for Families and Children and BEACON. A "kick off" event, the conference launches a more extensive community planning process involving both county and municipal committees. The outcome will be a regional "vision document" that can serve as a blueprint for future planning efforts.

For more information and an opportunity to comment on a vision for the region, visit the BEACON Web site at or contact them at or 410-548-5353.