maroon wave

Box of Light Theatre - April 17

SALISBURY, MD -- Box of Light Theatre presents a pair of lively, laugh-filled performances for the entire family on Wednesday, April 17, at Salisbury University in Holloway Hall Auditorium.

"Shakespeare's Clowns" at 2 p.m. and "Pavlov's Clown" at 7 p.m. feature computer projections and animation integrated with live performers. Both productions are free and open to the public.

With projected images as large as 14 feet high and 20 feet wide, sets, lights and sound controlled by computer, and an interactive performance style that mixes movement, sound effects and audience participation, Box of Light productions are active and highly visual.

Each production is an exploration into a more dynamic use of both the performance space and the audience. Stage lights are not just meant to throw light on the stage, they are conducted like music. Sets are to be as animate and dynamic as the performers, who can be live or two-dimensional projections.

Box of Light productions feature small casts, usually from one to three actors, and a good deal of audience participation.

"Shakespeare's Clowns" takes its audience on a trip through London in 1609, across the Southward Bridge, down Bankside Lane and to the Globe Theatre. Full of wit (and the witless), "Shakespeare's Clowns" uses computer-projected animations as an integral part of the performance. Not only do the projections let the audience see the Globe's interior and London's streets, they become characters as well and take part in the scenes.

"Pavlov's Clown" is an energetic performance of movement theatre layered with computer graphics and sound, featuring a unique style of shadow puppetry, comic dance, improvisation and mime. While the character on stage is silent, the stage and theatre are not. The show is fast, funny and intellectual.

For more information about the Box of Light performances at Salisbury University, please contact the SU Public Relations Office at 410-543-6030 or visit the SU Web site at