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Hulbert Financial Digest Publisher Lectures Feb. 15 at SSU

SALISBURY, MD---Mark Hulbert, publisher of the Hulbert Financial Digest (HFD), a consumer's report on investment advisory newsletters, serves as Salisbury State University's Franklin P. Perdue School of Business Executive-in-Residence on Tuesday, February 15. Following sessions and classes with students and faculty, Hulbert makes a formal presentation, free and open to the public, at 3:30 p.m. in SSU's Holloway Hall Auditorium. A reception in the Social Room immediately follows.

A 1977 graduate from Haverford College, Hulbert is the author of several books including Interlock, an account of the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis from the point of view of United States companies that were overexposed in Iran; and The Hulbert Guide to Financial Newsletters, a reference tool that collects the results of Hulbert's research of newsletter performance.

Hulbert's analysis and commentary have appeared every other Sunday in the New York Times since September 1998. He has been a regular columnist for Forbes magazine; serves on the editorial board of the Journal of the American Association of Individual Investors and is often quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Barron's and USA Today. He has made appearances on Public Television's Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser and has been a frequent guest on CNBC and Cable News Network. In addition he serves on the boards of various educational institutions.

Both in the U.S. and abroad, Hublert is a frequent speaker on a wide range of topics, including which investment strategies work, how to use newsletters to forecast the stock, gold and bond markets, strategies for minimizing risk, socially responsible investing, the philosophical and cultural significance of money in our society and the psychology of investing.

For more information on Hulbert's presentation contact the SSU Public Relations Office at 410-543-6030.