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Great Leader Lecture Series Features Chairman of Mercantile Bankshares Corporation, February 29

SALISBURY, MD---H. Furlong "Baldy" Baldwin, chairman of Mercantile Bankshares Corporation, is the featured speaker for SSU's Franklin P. Perdue School of Business Great Leader Lecture Series on Tuesday, February 29, at 3:30 p.m. in Holloway Hall Auditorium. His presentation is free and the public is invited to attend.

Mercantile is a family of community banks organized as a multi-bank holding company in order to provide the technological and financial strengths of a major banking organization while maintaining the community bank focus. Its total assets are in excess of $7 billion.

Each community bank in the Mercantile Bankshares family maintains its own name, board of directors and identity within its community. In addition, each affiliate has its own local management to allow customer related decision making based on a local perspective. As part of the larger organization, the banks are able to tap into a wide spectrum of services and technological resources. Customers have the dual advantages of personal, traditional relationship banking and a diversity of services, expertise and resources.

Baldwin joined Mercantile-Safe Deposit & Trust Company in 1956. In 1970 he was elected president of that company and chief executive officer of Mercantile Bankshares Corporation. In 1984, he was elected chairman of Mercantile Bankshares Corporation.

Baldwin serves as a director of Mercantile Bankshares Corporation and Mercantile-Safe Deposit & Trust Company, Constellation Energy Group, CSC Corporation, Offitbank, The St. Paul Companies and Willis Group and is a governor of the National Association of Securities Dealers Inc. His civic duties include board of trustees member of Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Medicine International and past chairman of Johns Hopkins Medicine board of trustees. He served as past president of Maryland Bankers Association and the Association of Bank Holding Companies. He graduated from Princeton University in 1954.

For more information contact the SSU Public Relations Office at 410-543-6030.