maroon wave

Native American Medicinal Practices offered February 17

SALISBURY, MD ---The Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History and Culture at Salisbury University presents a workshop on Native American Medicinal Practices on Monday, February 17. Two sessions are offered: 1-3 p.m. or 5-7 p.m.

Chief Dawn Manyfeathers, of Eden, MD, is director of the Lenapehauken Educational and Research Center, a nonprofit organization dedicated to public education about the Eastern Woodland Indians. In addition to demonstrating traditional cleansing ceremonies such as "smudging" and "sweeping," Manyfeathers discusses Native American beliefs in the four sacred herbs as well as plant "signatures."

Cost of workshop is $20 per person ($15 for SU students and Nabb Research Center members). Attendees will receive a class workbook. Class size is limited and reservations required. Call 410-543-6312 for more information or visit the Nabb Center Web site at