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How to Start and Manage Your Own Business February 20

SALISBURY, MD ----"How to Start and Manage Your Own Business," an all-day course for new or potential business owners, is on Thursday, February 20, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at Chesapeake College in Wye Mills, MD.

A business counselor discusses the importance and basics of writing a business plan, with a business plan template provided. An insurance specialist helps determine which types of insurance are needed. An attorney provides information on forming a corporation, and the legal reasons to use different types of business structures. A marketing expert shares marketing plan ideas, as well as gives examples of proven marketing techniques. A banker covers the items necessary to obtain financing from any financial institution, as well as how to develop a positive relationship with a bank. An accountant discusses the different types of bookkeeping methods, and how to keep accurate records.

An opportunity for an initial consultation with all of these professionals in one day, at one price, the class is held each month at one of the Small Business Development Center Eastern Region locations. The charge at Salisbury University is $40; Chesapeake College (refer to course number CEI 841) is $30 tuition and $15 course fee. Lunch is included at both sites.

Call Chesapeake College at 888-852-6712 to register.