maroon wave

Retail Tactics for Tough Times Seminar (SBDC) May 16

SALISBURY, MD --  A "Retail Tactics for Tough Times" seminar will be held Thursday, May 16, from 8:30 a.m.- noon in the Montgomery Room of the Commons building at Salisbury University.

Casey Willson, a 30-year veteran of retailing, education, and business in the Washington, D.C. area, presents retailing as an understandable money-generating operation.

The seminar addresses inventory management, customer service, human resources, and vendor and landlord relations. Willson will direct owner/managers to examine their businesses from financial, operational and customer perspectives. Participants will devise concrete tactics which contribute to profitability and sustainability of their enterprises.

The seminar is sponsored by the Maryland Small Business Development Center Network-Eastern Region and Salisbury University.

The fee for the seminar is $40 and includes continental breakfast.

To register or for more information contact Katie Henderson at 410-543-6516 or e-mail or visit