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Richard Bebee Appointed to AACSB Performance Indicators Task Force

SALISBURY, MD---Dr. Richard F. Bebee, dean of the Franklin P. Perdue School of Business at Salisbury State University, was recently appointed to the AACSB (The International Association for Management Education) Performance Indicators Task Force.

AACSB initiated the task force to define standards, create processes and collect data that can be converted into information for use by members for institutional improvement; utilized to support the accreditation process; and disseminated in ways to enhance public understanding and decisions.

Initially the AACSB's efforts will be channeled toward collecting data for the purpose of producing information that is valuable for institutional improvement. Potential implications for accreditation process, enhancing public understanding and facilitating informed decisions will require ongoing leadership from the board and members.

Bebee has served the AACSB in many capacities including member of the Accreditation Candidacy Committee, business accreditation advisor and member of various accreditation teams.

The AACSB is the premier accrediting agency for bachelors, master's and doctoral degrees and is devoted to the promotion and improvement of higher education in business administration and management. Of the 1,400 institutions with degree programs in business, only 374 have been accredited by AACSB.

Bebee was dean of the Perdue School when it achieved simultaneous accreditation in 1994 of both its undergraduate and M.B.A. programs.