maroon wave

Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art Realigns Relationship with Salisbury State University

SALISBURY, MD---Renewing a long-standing relationship, the Ward Foundation, Inc. and Salisbury State University have entered into an agreement subject to the approval of their respective boards, by which the Ward Foundation, Inc. will realign itself with Salisbury State University.

In accordance with the agreement the assets of the Ward Foundation, Inc. will be transferred to Salisbury State University. The daily operation and management will remain with the Ward Museum Foundation, Inc. Allowing it to continue its original mission and purposes.


Both parties believe that this affiliation will serve the best interest of both institutions, as well as the communities they serve. It will assure the continuity and perpetuation of the Ward Foundation, Inc. as an independent entity and will enable Salisbury State University to bring national recognition and prominence to the Ward Art Collection and enhance the quality and stature of Salisbury State University's educational program.

Both Salisbury State University and the Ward Foundation, Inc. have had a long and amicable association. This agreement will renew that association which ended in 1992 when the Ward Museum relocated from the Salisbury State University to its new building on Beaglin Park Drive.

This transaction will assure the continued presence of the Ward Foundation, Inc. and its museum and collection in Salisbury, Maryland, and will enable Salisbury State University to further fulfill its education and cultural mission regionally as well as enhance its reputation nationally and internationally.