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SBDC Sponsoring "Small Business Health Checkup", Jan. 22

SALISBURY, MD--- The Maryland Small Business Development Center Network is sponsoring the program “A Small Business Health Checkup” for owners of small retail and restaurant owners to improve their business. Owners and managers will be guided through an assessment of different operational and service aspects of their businesses that will determine the curriculum for the clinic. The clinic is on Tuesday, January 22, in the Guerrieri University Center Nanticoke Room B on the campus of Salisbury University. The fee of $225 includes the workshop and a “housecall” to each participant’s business to address specific issues and a long-term prescription (action plan) for use with the no-cost consulting services by the SBDC counselors.

The Maryland SBDC is a non-profit entity that provides low cost training and no cost counseling to Maryland citizens thinking of starting a small business in Maryland and small businesses throughout the state with the goal of getting people off to a solid start in business or help them cope with operating and growing a business in an ever-changing economic and technological world.

For more information or to make reservations for the checkup contact Katie Henderson at 410-543-6516 or visit