SU Police Participate in Maryland Law Enforcement Torch Run
Friday April 8, 2005
SALISBURY, MD---The Salisbury University Police Department participates in the Maryland Law Enforcement Torch Run, a fund-raiser for the Special Olympics of Maryland. The Eastern leg of the run is Monday, June 13, in Ocean City, MD. The SUPD is collecting donations to raise money and awareness for the Special Olympics. Supporters who give $10 or more receive a choice of either a torch run hat or T-shirt available from the University Police. The Law Enforcement Torch Run began in 1986 with only a handful of participants. The event has grown to include nearly every law enforcement agency and correctional facility in Maryland, raising over $1 million in 2004. For more information on the event, visit To make a contribution, visit the SUPD located on the SU campus, contact PFC Kelly Craven at 410-543-6222 or e-mail