maroon wave

Spirituality" Brown Bag Lunch Series Begins February 24

SALISBURY, MD---As part of Salisbury State University's spring cultural events series, "Broadening the Conversation: Listening to Spiritual Perspectives," ideas presented by visiting guest lecturers will be discussed at lunchtime the day after their Wednesday evening talks. All the brown bag lunches will be from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Thursdays. Unless indicated, all lunchtime discussions will be in the Fireside Lounge of the Guerrieri University Center.

The lunches are: February 24, Conflict Resolution Center, discussion of ideas presented by Gordon Fellman, chair of Peace and Conflict Studies Program at Brandeis University; March 2, discussion of Ed McGaa on Native American spirituality; March 9, Devilbiss Science Hall Room 307, Arthur Zajonc of Amherst College on education as transformation; March 16, Mary Rose O'Reilley on spirituality and teaching; April 6, Michael Thompson on spirituality and business; and April 27, musician Don Eaton on compassion education.

In addition Eaton is also presenting a concert titled "Seeds of Peace" on April 27 at 7 p.m. in the University Center's Wicomico Room.

All lectures, lunchtime discussions and concert are free and open to the public. The series is sponsored by SSU's Ad Hoc Committee on Spiritual Life and the Cultural Affairs Council. For more information call 410-543-6271 or 410-543-6030.