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SSU Faculty Attend Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Associations Conference

SALISBURY, MD---Three Salisbury State University faculty members made presentations at the recent Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Associations combined annual conference held in Albuquerque, NM.

Dr. James Welsh of the SSU English Department and his wife Anne were specially invited "VIP" guests of honor at a reception in recognition of their work on the internationally recognized academic journal, Literature/Film Quarterly, published at Salisbury State. They were invited by conference director Peter C. Rollins of Oklahoma State University and editor of the journal Film & History. Professor Welsh also read his paper "Why We All Love Shakespeare." Anne Welsh is a publications specialist at SSU.

English professor John D. Kalb presented his paper "Counting Coup: James Welch and American Myths" for a Native American studies seminar.

Political science professor Harry Basehart offered an evaluation of "The Vietnam War in American History Textbooks: How and Why did American Involvement End?" Basehart was one of the organizers of the SSU Vietnam Conference, Remembering Tet in 1992 and has since that time traveled to Vietnam.

All of the SSU participants met with Emeritus Professor of Spanish William Palmer and his wife, Anne, both of whom retired to Albuquerque after leaving Salisbury State in order to operate a burro farm.