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Starting and Managing a Small Business evening series begins October 15

SALISBURY, MD---"How to Start and Manage Your Own Business," an eight-week evening seminar series sponsored by Salisbury University's Small Business Development Center, is on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. from October 15-December 3 at Chesapeake College in Wye Mills, MD.

The series is an extended version of the one-day "How to Start and Manage Your Own Business" seminar. Discover effective techniques for successfully managing a small business. Topics include start up and operating procedures, ownership forms of operation, sources and methods of financing, record keeping, communications, debt collection, personnel, merchandising and business continuity. The series focuses on overcoming problems and pitfalls frequently encountered in running a small business.

The cost of the course is $80, which includes $60 tuition and $20 Cheseapeake College course fee.

For registration information call Steffanie Malkus at the Small Business Development at 410-543-6516 or 888-852-6712 or email