maroon wave

The Cane Mutiny Performs February 27

SALISBURY, MD---The United States Naval Academy Band’s clarinet quartet - The Cane Mutiny - performs at Salisbury State University in the Great Hall of Holloway Hall on Tuesday, February 27, at 7 p.m. The band plays selections from the Renaissance through the 20th century. Admission is free and the public is invited. 

The band formed in 1996 as an “extra-curricular” venture and plays for groups throughout the region. Their expertise and dedication have made them a vital part of the Naval Academy Band’s concept of a “total musical experience,” said a band spokesman. Annapolis area schools and colleges respect the quartet’s expertise and ability to generate interest for music among the area’s young woodwind instrumentalists, he added. 

Quartet members are Musician First Class Marcia Diehl, Musician Second Class Linda Dembowski, Musician Second Class Jim Hurd and Musician Second Class Paul Skinner. Their instrumentation utilizes the entire clarinet family, including E soprano clarinet, B clarinet, bassett horn, E alto clarinet, and B bass clarinet. 

Each member of the quartet performs with the Navy’s concert band, marching band and various ceremonial units. 

SSU’s Music Department and Office of Cultural Affairs and Museum Programs sponsor the event.

For information visit the University’s Web site or call 410-543-6271.