maroon wave

Traditional Indian basket workshops on November 18

SALISBURY, MD ---Basketweaving has finally come to Salisbury University. Not a course, however, but rather a hands-on workshop in traditional Indian basket design is Monday, November 18, at the Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History and Culture. Two sessions are scheduled: 1-3:30 p.m. and 5-7:30 p.m.

Chief Dawn Manyfeathers, of Eden, MD, is director of the Lenapehauken Educational and Research Center, a nonprofit organization dedicated to public education about the Eastern Woodland Indians. She will demonstrate and assist participants in the making of a coil basket using pine needles.

The cost of the basketweaving workshop, held in conjunction with Native American History Month, is $20 per person ($15 for SU students and Nabb Research Center members). All materials are included. Class size is limited and reservations required. Call 410-543-6312 for more information or visit the Nabb Center Web site at