maroon wave

Catskill Poetry Workshop - Mike Waters

SALISBURY, MD--- Dr. Michael Waters, professor of English in the Fulton School of Liberal Arts at Salisbury University, is invited to facilitate at the Catskill Poetry Workshop at Hartwick College in Oneonta, NY. The workshop is June 29-July 6.

Waters' books of poetry include Parthenopi: New and Selected Poems (BOA Editions, 2001) Green Ashe, Red Maple, Black Gum (BOA Editions, 1997), Bountiful (1992), The Burden Lifters (1989) and Anniversary of the Air (1985)-these titles from Carnegie Mellon University Press. He has edited several books, including Contemporary American Poetry (Houghton Mifflin, 2001). He received a fellowship in creative writing from the National Endowment of the Arts, several Individual Artist Awards from the Maryland State Arts Council and two Pushcart Prizes. "I cannot call to mind anyone of Waters' generation who is writing better poetry," said critic Floyd Collins in the Gettysburg Review.

The Catskill Poetry Workshop includes classes on craft, evening readings by staff and guest writers, and individual instructional conferences.

For more information, call 607-431-4457 or visit the Hartwick College Web site at