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Center for Professional Development at Salisbury University

SALISBURY, MD ----The Center for Professional Development was recently established at Salisbury University to offer professional development and personal enrichment opportunities for businesses, professional organizations, non-profits and individuals.

Utilizing faculty and staff expertise at SU as well as regional experts and consultants in a broad array of disciplines, the CPD provides programs, seminars, courses and workshops targeted at satisfying organizational goals, professional development and personal enrichment. Programs complement SU credit programs, with Continuing Education Units (CEUs) offered for certain coursework, and customized courses developed for organizations and professional associations.

An example of an upcoming professional development program coordinated by the CPD is series of courses on "Alternative Dispute Resolution," held in conjunction with SU's Center for Conflict Resolution, and aimed at several audiences: business owners, human resource managers, legal and law enforcement professionals, doctors, educators and school administrators, and community leaders.

Courses held last fall included: "EEO Law Update Conference," "Women in Business: Finding Balance in Your Life" and psychology and social work continuing education courses for psychologists, counselors and social workers.

In the development stage are training programs for Latino workers, helping them better understand English and American culture, as well as seminars for English-only speaking supervisors who manage Latino workers.

The CPD played a pivotal role in the creation of the Academy for Leadership in Education, a partnership with SU's Seidel School of Education and Professional Studies (with impetus from the Greater Salisbury Committee), which provides courses for a cohort of educational professionals seeking school administration positions. The Academy has been an immediate success, with a full contingent of enrollees.

Among the development and enrichment programs that are being offered or considered are family counseling, forensic social work, environmental issues, American Disabilities Act, diversity in the workplace, financial planning, accounting, Web design, motivational leadership, team building, interpersonal communications, and public relations and marketing.

Courses are held both on and off the SU campus, and are delivered in the classroom or via the Web, video or audiotape, or self-paced.

Administering the CPD offerings are Kathryn E. Redden and Carol Brady. Redden, program director, has extensive professional experience in the field of human resources in varied industries such as automotive, pharmaceutical and banking, and in the public sector. Brady, program coordinator, has over 30 years of experience with college administration and the University System of Maryland.

To find out about upcoming programs available through SU's Center for Professional Development or to suggest new courses, contact Redden or Brady at 410-548-4481 or visit the Web site