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Diversity and Admissions Topic of April 25 Lecture" 

SALISBURY, MD---The Collegiate Conservative Society (CCS) of Salisbury State University sponsors a discussion on "Diversity at SSU: Should Race Be a Preference Factor in Admissions?" at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 25, in the Wicomico Room of the Guerrieri University Center.

The campus group invites SSU students, faculty and staff, as well as all anyone in the community who is interested in the potential benefits and implications of SSU's recently announced diversity initiatives.

Roger Clegg, vice president and general counsel of the Center for Equal Opportunity (CEO) is the guest speaker. SSU biology professor Harry Womack and several SSU students join Clegg. Luis Luna, executive director of the Greater Salisbury Committee and member of the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce, moderates the discussion and audience members will have the opportunity to question the panel members.

CEO describes itself as the only think tank devoted exclusively to the promotion of colorblind equal opportunity and racial harmony. Linda Chavez heads the CEO.

The center recently published several studies regarding the role of race an ethnicity in university admissions, including "Preferences in Maryland Higher Education: Racial and Ethnic Preferences in Undergraduate Admissions at Maryland Four-Year Public Colleges and Universities."

For more information call Dr. Robert Dombrowski, advisor to the CCS and chair of the Accounting and Legal Studies Department at 410-543-6325 or visit the University’s Web site at or go to the CEO’s site at