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Lawrence Mintz discusses humor - March 20

SALISBURY, MD--Dr. Lawrence Mintz, director of the Gliner Center for Humor Studies at the University of Maryland College Park, discusses humor's role in mediating the differences between members of a diverse American society on Wednesday, March 20, at 7 p.m. in the Wicomico Room of the Guerrieri University Center at Salisbury University. Part of the University's Humor Series, admission is free and the public is cordially invited.

Mintz is engaged in the study of humor as an important social and cultural phenomenon.

"Anybody who thinks that humor is just about laughing or being amused is a fool," he said. "Everything that's important to us-sex, race, religion, ethnicity, politics-if it matters to us, we use humor as a way of communicating about it."

Mintz is an active member of the International Society for Humor Studies. As director of the Gliner Center, he lobbied successfully to bring the society's annual conference to the University of Maryland campus in 2001.

Mintz's research deals mainly with American humor, but his studies include theme parks, ethnic literature and other topics in popular culture. He edits Humor: International Journal of Humor Studies and has published articles on humor in the Journal of Popular Culture, Popular Culture in the United States and others.

The SU Office of Cultural Affairs and Museum Programs sponsors the event. For information call 410-543-6271 or visit the SU Web site at