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Senator Paul S. Sarbanes speaks Oct. 22

SALISBURY, MD ---In the wake of the huge corporate scandals at Enron, WorldCom and others, one senator began what seemed to be an impossible task: legislative reform of this country's unethical business practices. Against all odds, the distinguished senator from Maryland, Paul S. Sarbanes, crafted a bill to prevent corporate abuses and restore investor confidence.

Utilizing his considerable political skills to draft a law that had bi-partisan support, the "Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002" has become the law of the land. "Getting that bill through Congress was a masterful act," said Dr. Harry Basehart, political scientist and co-director of Salisbury University's Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement (PACE), "but anyone who has watched his long and distinguished career would know that he had the unique skills to pull it off."

On Tuesday, October 22, Senator Sarbanes will address the Salisbury University community and his hometown about the intriguing political dynamics that led to the passage of the most important corporate reform bill in six decades. His talk, titled "The Crisis in Corporate America: The Legislative Response," will discuss the genesis, the process and the delicate balance that was created to ensure that his bill would become the law of the land. "There is so much cynicism out there about politicians," said Dr. Francis Kane, ethicist and also co-director of PACE, "and, yet, here is a man who displayed tremendous moral wisdom. He was the right man for the right time. All of us are looking forward to hearing how he did it."

The senator's talk will be at 7 p.m. in the Wicomico Room of the Guerrieri University Center. Admission is free and the public is cordially invited. For more information call 410-543-6030.